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HomeDr. Burke CV

Staff Psychologist: Dr. William Burke

 Employment Background:Dr. William Burke

 40+ years of clinical psychology and research experience.

  Medical University of South Carolina – 

Clinical Counselor, Adolescent Psychiatric Unit        Berkeley County (SC) Mental Health Center – 

Director of LAUNCH, Sexual Abuse Therapist
Charter Hospital of Charleston (SC) –
Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Program Trident Regional Medical Center, Psychiatric Unit
      Co-developer and trainer, Adult Partial Hospitalization Program

Webster University – Adjunct Professor

Southeastern Assessments – Director, Sex Offender Treatment Program

University of South Carolina – 
Clinical Assistant Professor, 
Department of Neuropsychiatry
and Behavioral Science 
Researcher, Sex Offender Assessments
Co-developer, USC Professionals Wellness Program

Medical University of South Carolina
Professor of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, Department of Neuropsychiatry
and Behavioral Sciences Forensic Division
Clinical Director, MUSC Sex Offender Treatment Program
Clinical Director, MUSC Professionals Program
Clinical Director, MUSC Artemis Program
Researcher, Sex Offender Assessments
South Carolina State Guard – Captain, Chief Mental Health Officer 
Dorchester County (SC) Sheriff's Office  Special Operations Psychologist
Fitness for Duty Evaluations, Critical Incident De-briefings, PTSD Treatment, Psychological Criminal Profiling

Academic Credentials:

University of SC – Ph.D., Counselor Education, cognate in psychology

The Citadel – M.Ed., Clinical Counseling

The Citadel – BA, Psychology

Certifications and Training:

State of South Carolina:

Licensed Professional Counselor

Assessment and Treatment Provider  Professional Sexual Misconduct

Legislative Liaison for the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
Special Counsel – Board of Licensed Sex Offender Treatment Providers
Governor's Special Counsel to Review Treatment, Efficacy,
and Safety Concerns Regarding Sexual Predators
Sex Offender Protocol and Common Practices - Continuum of Care for Emotionally Disturbed Children

Limestone Technologies
Certification Administrator, Penile Plethysmograph System
Developer, Limestone Sex Offender Chaperone Certification Program
Developer, Limestone Visual Sexual Preference Test

Abel Screening, Inc. – Abel Assessment of Sexual Interest, certified

Behavioral Technology, Inc. Monarch Penile Plethysmograph, certified

Court-Qualified Expert Witness:

Sex Offender Assessment and Treatment (qualified over 600 times in Federal, State, and Military Courts)

Professional Affiliations:

South Carolina Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers -
2-time Past-President, Legislative Liaison
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers -
State and Federal Executive for Policy and Procedures
Journal of Interpersonal Violence - Ad Hoc Reviewer

Published Works:

Burke Sexual Fantasy Scales
Real Child Voice Stimulus Set, co-developer

Standardization of Penile Plethysmography Testing in Assessment of Problematic Sexual Interests,
Journal of Sexual Medicine, co-author
Neuroimaging and Sexual Behavior, Current Psychology, co-author

The Safer Society Handbook of Adult Sexual Offending Assessment and Treatment, co-author

Chapter 9: Human Sexuality, National Medical Series for Independent Study, co-author

Chaperone Training: A Multisystemic Approach to Protecting Children (Levels I and II)
Manual for the MONARCH Burke Sexual Fantasy Scales
Sex Offender Re-Offense Risk Assessment
, Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Current Theories on Developmental Etiology of Paraphilic Behavior, co-author
The Development of Child Molester Paraphilic Scales, Dissertation Abstracts